Over my lunch hour, I determined that I would run the seemingly normal errand of returning an item I had ordered from a department store via UPS. (Note: this would not have happened if there was a Macy's in Iowa. Or a Nordstrom, Anthropologie, H&M...But I digress). Because this is a normal errand that I'm sure happens quite often over lunch, you would think that the clerks in the UPS store would expect oh, say, customers...
When I walked into the UPS Store the "gentleman" working there was sitting down. Fine. He seemed to be leaning forward had his arms stretched out in front of him. Really, I just wanted to get in and out, so I wasn't paying attention.
"You have something to go out?" He asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Just set it there with the rest of them."
"Uhhhhh," that would be me.
"Oh, you actually need to pay for it?" Him again
"Yes, yes I do, " I said, finally realizing he thought I was with a business that already had the paid sticker-thing on it.
"Oh, OK."
After he finally stood up, I realized that he had been sitting on a weight bench (the kind you do curls on). As I continued to look, I noticed that there were multiple sets of weight equipment in that general vicinity. Lightbulb! He hadn't just been sitting there.
This fact was confirmed when he came up to the register and I noticed that he had GLOVES on for the weight lifting. And he was sweating. Profusely. Gross.
To his credit - he had made a valiant attempt at an excuse for the weight lifting gear. A printed sign was posted on it that said, "We ship weight equipment." Apparently he just hadn't planned on any customers seeing that sign.

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